Garage Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art
Presenting works made by more than 60 artists from across the country, Garage Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art captures the zeitgeist of some of the most active and influential creative figures of the past five years, offering insight into the diversity of social tendencies that constitute the underexplored Russian art scene.
A curatorial team of six members of Garage Program Department traveled through the country’s eight federal districts, visiting more than 40 cities and towns, crossing eleven time zones, in climates that range from the subtropical to subarctic.
Working with Garage’s regional network of specialists in each local context, the Triennial curators met with over 200 artists, ranging from 19 to 69 years of age. From this research, they identified seven vectors — Master Figure, Personal Mythologies, Fidelity to Place, Common Language, Art in Action, Street Morphology, and Local Histories of Art—through which the current art life of the country can be broadly understood.
These tendencies range from a strong identification with urban and natural environments and a drive to create elaborate mythological worlds, to the use of art practice as activism, or as a mechanism to participate in international discourse. Often isolated and working in the absence of established cultural infrastructure, what unites the widely different artists selected for the exhibition is a sense of resourcefulness and a powerful belief in art as a way of life.
The first edition of the Triennial takes place in the Museum and the surrounding area of Gorky Park. For the opening of the exhibition, all participating artists were invited to Moscow to facilitate the development of a country-wide, peer-to-peer network. Responding to the lack of resources available to many artists, the project has also involved a number of newly-commissioned works, as well as new installations to provide a context for works. Reflecting the diversity and specificity of the local histories of art in each region, a bi-weekly program of lectures, roundtable discussions, screenings, and performances by artists, historians, curators, and activists from across the country provides first-hand information on culture at large. In advance of the exhibition, Garage began work on a web-based directory of contemporary Russian artists and local art scenes, launched in spring 2017. The first iteration presents information based on the curators’ research trips, according to region. A multi-phase project, the website will then evolve into a comprehensive, nationwide resource in both Russian and English.
Garage Triennial is the newest development in an extensive program that the Museum is undertaking to build stronger infrastructure for contemporary Russian art. Initiatives range from the Garage Artist Grants program to Garage Archive Collection and include the production of exhibitions, research, publications, conferences, and lectures that involve, engage, and present the work and interests of contemporary Russian artists to local and international audiences. Garage Artist Grants was launched in 2012 to create a system of support for emerging artists. Currently the only program of its kind in the country, up to ten artists are selected annually by an expert jury, from an open call, and are awarded a monthly stipend of 30,000 rubles for a year. Offering practitioners a period of financial independence, the program allows them to become more deeply engaged in creative activities, to grow professionally, and to conduct research. Garage Archive Collection is the largest public archive in Russia dedicated to the research of Soviet and Russian contemporary art from the 1950s through to the present. Established in 2012, and in continuous development, it currently comprises twenty archives totaling over 400,000 items from galleries, artists, collectors, and curators. Containing important material that underpins the development of what was once known as Soviet “unofficial” art and the subsequent growth of Russian contemporary art, the Archive Collection is the resource from which a number of exhibitions, conferences, and publishing projects make the complex history of contemporary Russian art more widely understood.
As the largest initiative at Garage to focus on current art practices, the Triennial represents the ongoing commitment by the Museum to ensure the work of artists in Russia is known beyond peer networks. Launched in early 2017—the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution—the website and Triennial is Garage’s contribution to the centenary celebrations. Rather than looking back, however, the Museum is looking to the future. Just as the revolution encouraged Russia’s first avant-garde, Garage is looking to spur the next.
Первая Триеннале российского современного искусства объединяет работы более 60 художников со всей России и посвящена «духу времени» и осмыслению социальных тенденций, формирующих недостаточно изученную на сегодняшний день региональную художественную сцену.
Шесть кураторов Триеннале, тесно сотрудничая с местными экспертами в области современного искусства, исследовали более 40 городов России и встретились с более чем 200 художниками в возрасте от 19 до 69 лет. В ходе исследования кураторы Музея выявили семь основных директорий, или тенденций, характерных для всех регионов, где они побывали. В директорию «Мастер-фигура» включены художники, активизирующие локальные сцены, или художники, чье влияние на ситуацию в стране выходит далеко за пределы их места жительства. В разделе «Авторские мифологии» представлены художники, разрабатывающие свои собственные эстетические системы за пределами любых стилистических ограничений. Художники директории «Верность месту» осмысляют особенности, историю и контекст территорий, на которых проживают. Раздел «Общий язык» объединяет художников, работающих с международным языком современного искусства. В директории «Искусство действия» представлены художники-активисты, использующие публичное пространство для обращения к социально значимым темам и побуждающие локальные сообщества к действию. Художники «Морфологии улиц» обращаются к городскому ландшафту как источнику вдохновения и пространству для творчества. Последняя директория, «Локальные истории искусства», стала дискуссионной площадкой, где происходит описание и осмысление местных художественных сцен.
- Osoby artystyczne
- Agency of Singular Investigations (Stanislav Shuripa, Anna Titova), Danil Akimov, Pavel Aksenov, Victor Alimpiev, Evgeny Antufiev, Vladimir Arkhipov, Alexander Bayun-Gnutov, BlueSoup group, Anastasia Bogomolova, Dmitry Bulatov, Alexey Chebykin, Chto Delat, Ilya Dolgov, Aslan Gaisumov, Kirill Garshin, Genda Fluid (Antonina Baever), Gentle Women group, Micro-art-group Gorod Ustinov, Evgeny Granilshchikov, Alexey Iorsh, Evgeny Ivanov, Anna Kabisova and Evgeny Ivanov, Murad Khalilov, Anfim Khanykov, Ilgizar Khasanov, Kirill Lebedev (Kto), Victoria Lomasko, Artem Loskutov, Kirill Makarov, Taus Makhacheva, Alexander Matveev, Roman Mokrov, Andrei Monastyrsky, Damir Muratov, Nadenka creative association, Mayana Nasybullova, Katrin Nenasheva, Ivan Novikov, Anatoly Osmolovsky, Nikolai Panafidin, Alexandra Paperno, Anna Parkina, Pavel Pepperstein, Sasha Pirogova, Anastasia Potemkina, Sergey Poteryaev, Alexander Povzner, Dmitri Prigov, Vladimir Seleznyov, Alexander Shishkin-Hokusai, Sveta Shuvaeva, Shvemy sewing cooperative, Elena Slobtseva, Mikhail Smaglyuk, Albert Soldatov, Olga Subbotina and Mikhail Pavlukevich, Alexandra Sukhareva, Andrey Syailev, TOY, Zaurbek Tsugaev, Udmurt, Urbanfeminism, Dimitri Venkov, Where Dogs Run, Alisa Yoffe, Anton Zabrodin, ZIP group, ZLYE art group, 33+1
- Wystawa
- Garage Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art
- Miejsce
- Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow
- Czas trwania
- 10.03 - 14.05.2017
- Osoba kuratorska
- Ilmira Bolotyan, Katya Inozemtseva, Snejana Krasteva, Andrey Misiano, Sasha Obukhova, Tatiana Volkova
- Strona internetowa
- Indeks
- 33+1 Agency of Singular Investigations Albert Soldatov Alexander Bayun-Gnutov Alexander Matveev Alexander Povzner Alexander Shishkin-Hokusai Alexandra Paperno Alexandra Sukhareva Alexey Chebykin Alexey Iorsh Alisa Yoffe Anastasia Bogomolova Anastasia Potemkina Anatoly Osmolovsky Andrei Monastyrsky Andrey Misiano Andrey Syailev Anfim Khanykov Anna Kabisova Anna Parkina Anna Titova) Anton Zabrodin Artem Loskutov Aslan Gaisumov BlueSoup group Chto Delat Damir Muratov Danil Akimov Dimitri Venkov Dmitri Prigov Dmitry Bulatov Elena Slobtseva Evgeny Antufiev Evgeny Granilshchikov Evgeny Ivanov Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Garage Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art Genda Fluid (Antonina Baever) Gentle Women group Ilgizar Khasanov Ilmira Bolotyan Ilya Dolgov Ivan Novikov Katrin Nenasheva Katya Inozemtseva Kirill Garshin Kirill Lebedev (Kto) Kirill Makarov Mayana Nasybullova Micro-art-group Gorod Ustinov Mikhail Pavlukevich Mikhail Smaglyuk Murad Khalilov Nadenka creative association Nikolai Panafidin Olga Subbotina Pavel Aksenov Pavel Pepperstein Roman Mokrov Sasha Obukhova Sasha Pirogova Sergey Poteryaev Shvemy sewing cooperative Snejana Krasteva Stanislav Shuripa Sveta Shuvaeva Tatiana Volkova Taus Makhacheva TOY Udmurt Urbanfeminism Victor Alimpiev Victoria Lomasko Vladimir Arkhipov Vladimir Seleznyov Where Dogs Run Zaurbek Tsugaev ZIP group ZLYE art group